
Relocation Services

Relocation services from SEAGULL is the most stress-free and efficient way to move your home or office to a new location. Not only does packing everything into boxes require vast amounts of energy and organization, but ensuring everything gets delivered (with the least amount of breakages) can be a logistical nightmare. After everything is safely moved to the new location, home and business owners are left to unpack and set everything up so that an entire family or office can be up-and-running on arrival.

Relocation support services

Our team can provide special trucking equipment, un-packing services, special licensing and adequate personnel to handle your personal belongings with care. Our group also offers advice for the safe transport of your car.

Corporate relocation services

Our business relocation services mean that your entire company can be packed and set up at a new location within the shortest amount of time. Whether you have large amounts of products and stock, or simply need a company that can take care of everything from moving files and office furniture – SEAGULL can do it.

Besides being able to move your entire household or office to a new location, we can also take care of one of the most crucial aspects of moving – packaging. SEAGULL provides advanced packaging services that ensures your appliances and equipment are packed (and even unpacked) so that everything is in mint condition once you and your employees arrive at your new house or residence.

For more information about our relocation services, contact us today.

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